Author: Steven Atneosen, JD, CEO and Co-Founder,

  • If you can’t measure data privacy, you can’t manage data privacy.

    If you can’t measure data privacy, you can’t manage data privacy.

    Data privacy is important to consumers and a material compliance obligation of enterprises who serve them, but difficult to achieve – and prove – due to the absence of clear standards.  Pew Research reports that over 80% of Americans highly value their data privacy and don’t trust enterprises to properly protect it. “Privacy” is defined…

  • Ethical AI begins with trusted data that has fidelity and privacy

    Ethical AI begins with trusted data that has fidelity and privacy

    As I prepared to speak with my fellow ethical AI panelists for the April 24, 2023 EAIGG discussion “New Wave of Data Centric AI Startups”, I thought further about how to articulate the mandate and opportunity presented by AI to solve critical problems faced by humanity. We are in the infancy of enterprise AI. The…